
Page 14
Glossary (cont.)
Interleaved 2 of 5 - A binary code symbology
representing character pairs in groups of five bars
and five interleaved spaces. Interleaving provides
for greater information density. The location of
wide elements (bars/spaces) within each group
determines which characters are encoded. This
continuous code type uses no Inter-character
spaces. Only numeric (0 to 9) and START/STOP
characters may be encoded.
Parameter - A setting that can have a different
function assigned to it.
Programming mode - The state in which a
scanner is configured for parameter settings.
Quiet Zone - A clear space, containing no
machine readable marks, which precedes the start
character of a bar code symbol and follows the
stop characters.
Read Rate - The ratio of the number of successful
reads on the first attempt to scan to the total
number of attempts.
Resolution - In a bar code system, the narrowest
element dimension which can be distinguished by
a particular reading device or printed with a
particular device or method.
Scanner - An electronic device used to scan bar
code symbols and produce a digitized pattern that
corresponds to the bars and spaces of the symbol.
Scanning Mode - The scanner is energized,
programmed, and ready to read a bar code.
Start/Stop Character - A pattern of bars and
spaces that provides the scanner with start and
stop reading instructions and scanning direction.
The start and stop characters are normally to the
left and right margins of a horizontal code.