Optiquest iRIS 320 Switch User Manual

iQuest (NZ) Ltd - PO Box 15169, Hamilton, New Zealand Tel: +64 7 857-0810 Fax: +64 7 857-0811 Email: iquest@iquest.co.nz
Revision History
Issue 1 Version 1.02 3
November 2004 Initial version
Issue 2 Version 1.05 17
February 2005
Issue 3 Version 1.10 21
July 2005
Issue 4 Version 1.12 2
September 2005
Issue 5 Version 1.19 26
July 2006 Changes for V1.2 PCB / hardware revision
Under no circumstances will iQuest (NZ) Ltd be liable or responsible for any consequential damage or loss
that may arise from the use of this product.
All examples and diagrams shown in this manual and any supplied software examples are intended as a
guide to understanding this product, not to guarantee operation. iQuest (NZ) Ltd accepts no responsibility
for use of this product based on this information or these examples.
Owing to the wide variety of possible applications of this product, you must satisfy yourself as to its suitability
to your specific application.
© 2006, iQuest (NZ) Ltd
All rights reserved.
This publication, or any part of it, and any software accompanying it may not be copied, photocopied,
reproduced, translated or communicated to any third party, or reduced to electronic medium without prior
written permission from iQuest (NZ) Ltd.