Oregon Scientific EB833 Clock User Manual

Resolution 0.1°C (0.2°F)
Sampling rate 10 seconds
Units of measure °C or °F
Calendar Clock Functions
Calendar Date/month (European
format) or month/Date
(US format)
Clock time 12-hour AM /PM format or
24-hours format
Time resolution 1 second
Timer Functions
Range counts up to 99 hours,
59 minutes, 59 seconds
Resolution 1 second
- The content of this manual is subject to change
without further notice.
- Due to printing limitations, the displays shown
in this manual may differ from the actual
- The manufacturer and its suppliers hold no
responsibilities to you or any other person for
any damages expenses, lost profits, or any
other damages arise by using this Altimeter.
- The contents of this manual may not be
reproduced without the permission of the
EB833(EN3) 8/31/04, 3:40 PM16