Congratulations, you now own one of the
finest line conditioning and power protec-
tion products on the market today, the
® 5510 ACRegenerator™! Over
25 years of power protection experience
and more than 10 years of Audio/Video
noise filtration experience went into the
design and development of the MAX
5510. This model has been specifically
engineered to enhance the performance
and life expectancy of high-end
Audio/Video entertainment gear. The com-
bination of our sophisticated Tr i - P o w e r
Filtration System and the world’s finest
power protection has resulted in an
Audio/Video power center that meets the
power quality needs for each piece of
equipment in your entertainment system.
This is truly a “Firewall for Noise™!”
With power this clean, you’ll wonder how
you ever used your system without it.
Performance alone makes this a world-
class product but we didn’t stop there. The
understated elegance of the MAX
® 5510’s
styling complements and completes even the
most sophisticated Audio/Video showcase.
© 2002 PANAMAX CORP. All Rights Reserved.
MAX® 5510 ACRegenerator
Owner’s Manual
PANAMAX, the Panamax logo and MAX are registered US trademarks of Panamax.
ACRegenerator, Firewall for Noise, SurgeGate Plus, Protect or Disconnect and SignalPerfect are trademarks of PANAMAX.
SIDACtor is a registered US trademark of Teccor Electronics, Inc. TiVo is a trademark of TiVo, Inc.
MODEL # M5510