17. Select Bright Adjust / Bright Inside. Leave it in Interlocked mode. Raise the “White”
value up to about 50. You'll notice the black level increasing, starting at the red marker
that lies just within the overlap area
18. MENU back up to the Bright Adjust menu and adjust the LEFT value - you'll see
what looks like a wipe pattern moving to the right, starting from the red marker.
Move the position of this “wipe-edge” to the right until it aligns with the edge of the
overlap area, which is about five to 10 pixels to the right of the red marker.
19. Go back to the Bright Inside Interlocked screen and lower the white value until the
black level in the main picture area matches the black level in the overlapped area.
Turning off the markers makes it easier to see when this is achieved. If there's a
noticeable difference in the color temperature in the black picture area, you can unlock
the RGB values and adjust them individually to match the black level color temperature.
20. The Bright Outside values are usually not used, and are set to zero. (Older model
projectors sometimes required this adjustment).
(Left projector)
21. Repeat the same procedure, but use the Bright Adjust RIGHT value for the wipe edge.
Electronic (Shift) Alignment of the images
Now that the grids are physically aligned, and the brightness levels across the blend area
are matched, the source images can be electronically shifted for proper overlap.
22. Select the appropriate inputs to display the images or video to be presented. You
should see two images side-by-side.
23. Check the Advanced menu Blanking settings to make sure they're all set to zero.
Check the Position /Shift menu to make sure all values are set to the defaults. Adjust the
Position/Aspect and Position/Zoom settings to frame the images appropriately.
Right projector
24. Use Position/Shift/H to shift the image inwards towards the overlap blended area.
Left projector
25. Use Position/Shift/H to shift the image inwards toward the overlap blended area
Overlap the images exactly.
26. Use Advanced/Blanking to mask any wrapped-around image that appears on the left
or right of each projector respectively.