Paradyne 8510, 8373, 8374 Network Router User Manual

4. Monitoring the Hotwire DSL System
8000-A2-GB26-50 April 2001
Table 4-1. Card Options
Card Info (General Card Information) B-A-A
Displays card information.
Card Name
Name assigned to the card.
Card Location
Physical location of the system.
Card Contact
Name or number of the person responsible for the card.
Current time and date for the card.
Time zone for the card.
Card Up Time
Length of time the card has been running.
Buffer Info
Number of Buffers free, used, allocated and available.
Buffer Ram Size
Size of the Buffer Ram.
Fast Data Ram Size
Total and Available Fast Data Ram.
Card Type
Type of Card (MCC, DSL).
Model Num
Model number of card.
Serial Num
Serial number of card.
Version of firmware.
CAP Firmware
Version of GlobeSpan chipset (for RADSL and SDSL cards only).
MVL Firmware
Version of DSP chipset (for MVL cards only).
ReachDSL Rel
Version of ReachDSL firmware (for ReachDSL/MVL cards only).
IUT Revision
Version of the ISDN U-Interface Transceiver (for IDSL cards only). A valid
revision is displayed only if all 24 ports contain the same type of device. If one or more
ports differ, UNKN is displayed.
Hardware Rev
Version of hardware.
Login History B-A-B
Refer to the
Hotwire Management Communications Controller (MCC) Card, IP
Conservative, Users Guide
for information.
Syslog (System Log) B-A-C
Displays a time-stamped sequential list of operational type errors by date and error. There
is one logged error per line in a downward scrolling list of over 100 possible entries. The
following navigational tools are provided:
Newest Jump to newest entry in log
Oldest Jump to oldest entry in log
Up Move forward (toward newest entries) by one page
Down Move back (toward oldest entries) by one page
When the log is full, the oldest entry is deleted. Refer to the following SYSLOG Screen
Chapter 5, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting,
for SYSLOG error message