1-6 Programmer’s Manual
The printer has many resident fonts. You must load other fonts
separately. Following is a list of these fonts and their IDs:
Standard (1), Reduced (2), Bold (3),
OCRA (4), HR1 (5), and HR2 (6)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
9 pt. (10)
EFF Swiss Bold (50)
CG Triumvirate Typeface 6 pt. (11)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
(Full Character Set) 6.5 pt. (1000)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
(Full Character Set) 8 pt. (1001)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
(Full Character Set) 10 pt. (1002)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
(Full Character Set) 12 pt. (1003)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
(Partial Character Set) 18 pt. (1004)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
(Partial Character Set) 22 pt. (1005)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
Condensed (Full Character Set)
6.5 pt. (1006)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
Condensed (Full Character Set)
8 pt. (1007)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
Condensed (Full Character Set)
10 pt. (1008)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
Condensed (Full Character Set)
12 pt. (1009)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
Condensed (Partial Character Set)
18 pt. (1010)
CG Triumvirate Typeface Bold
Condensed (Partial Character
Set) 22 pt. (1011)
Letter Gothic Bold (Full Character
Set) 6 pt. (1012)
Letter Gothic Bold (Full Character
Set) 9 pt. (1013)
Note: The partial character set fonts contain only numeric and special
characters. With fonts 1012 and 1013, the space character is
only 70% as wide as the other characters.
Using Non-Resident Fonts
Within your application, instantiate a new Print class such as rPrint and
call a method such as Text or File to load the non-resident font or a font
you have created with the MPCL Toolbox Font Utility.