SPX Operation Manual 2
Version 1.1: 2010 © 2010 Philips Selecon All Rights Reserved
Read this manual from cover to cover before attempting to install, operate or maintain the luminaires to which
it relates. It contains important installation, operating, maintenance and safety procedures. The customer must
strictly comply with them.
Along with such procedures mentioned in this document, the customer should also observe such other
procedures generally applicable to lighting equipment.
Follow the instructions in this manual carefully. Selecon accepts no responsibility if the customer fails to do
For each customer, operating conditions will vary, sometimes greatly. Such variations may affect the
luminaires‟ performance. Philips Selecon has no control over the customer‟s unique operating environment.
Hence, Philips Selecon makes no representations or warranties concerning the luminaires‟ performance under
the customer‟s actual operating conditions. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer
application by the customer‟s technical experts.
If the customer does not follow the installation, operating, maintenance and safety procedures in this manual,
as well as those generally applicable to lighting equipment, the luminaire may not perform as expected. More
seriously, it may cause property damage, personal injury or other losses.
Philips Selecon accepts no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages resulting
from the customer‟s failure to follow the installation, operating, maintenance and safety procedures in this
manual or those generally applicable to lighting equipment. The foregoing limitation extends to damages for
personal injury, property damage, loss of operations, loss of profits, loss of product or loss of time, whether
incurred by the customer, the customer‟s employees or a third party.
Philips Selecon used all due care in preparing this manual. However, Philips Selecon accepts no liability for
errors or omissions. Philips Selecon reserves the right to change the specifications of its luminaires, or the
information in this manual, without necessarily giving its customers notice thereof.
Installation, operation and maintenance are entirely at the customer‟s risk.
Philips Selecon luminaires should be installed, operated and maintained by suitably qualified personnel. Such
personnel should have previous experience with lighting equipment as well as general electrical experience.
This manual is intended to provide general guidance to such suitably qualified personnel. For specific
guidance and technical support, contact Philips Selecon or its authorised representative.
Information in this manual shall not be deemed a warranty, representation or guarantee concerning a
luminaire‟s suitability or fitness for a specific purpose.
Subject to the right to use its luminaires, Philips Selecon does not convey any right, title or interest in its
intellectual property, including, without limitation, its patents, copyrights and know-how.