Pico E-15 Hardware Reference
Pico Computing
(206) 283-2178
150 Nickerson Street. Suite 311
Seattle, WA 98109
Flash Memory
The Pico E-15 comes equipped with at least 64MB of Flash ROM. The Flash ROM is divided
into 512 sectors that can be erased independently. Most of the space on the ROM is reserved
for the user.
The Flash ROM’s address bus can be controlled by either the TurboLoader or the FPGA (but
not both). During power-up or reboot, the TurboLoader is in control of the Flash ROM Address
bus. At all other times the FPGA is in control of the address bus.
The Flash ROM has a simple, open file system which allows the user to store FPGA images,
ELF binary files, or other data. The primary image is used to boot the FPGA initially, and the
backup image is only invoked if the primary image fails to load correctly. Executable files are in
ELF format and are loaded by a loader within the secondary image. The primary image will
either load the secondary image or pause for the PC to access and manage the file system.