Powerware 9125 Power Supply User Manual

9125 Two-in-One (5000/6000 VA) PDM User’s Guide S Rev B www.powerware.com
4. Verify that the Bypass switch on the PDM is in the NORMAL
position (see Figure 10).
Bypass Switch Voltage Switch
Figure 10. PDM (with Front Panel Removed)
5. Changing the PDM output voltage. When the PDM voltage
switch is set to the 240V position (the default), the output
voltage is 240V/120V. When set to the 208V position, the output
voltage is 208V/120V. See Table 2 for a list of PDM input/output
voltage settings. Figure 10 shows the voltage switch.
NOTE In most applications, the voltage switch does NOT need changing.
To change the switch position, remove the bracket screw and
turn the switch. Flip the bracket around to fit the new position
and reinstall.