Powerware 9315 UPS Power Supply User Manual

EATON Powerware
9315 UPS (200–300 kVA) Operation Manual S 164201036 Rev G www.powerware.com
Table 7-2. Pin Assignments for Port 2 (DB-25)
Pin Number Symbol Function Comments
1 GND Chassis Ground
2 TXD Transmit Data Input to UPS
3 RXD Receive Data Output from UPS
4 RTS Request to Send Input to UPS
5 CTS Clear to Send Output from UPS
6 DSR Data Set Ready Output from UPS
7 RTN Return
8 +12V +12 Volts Output from UPS - always true
20 DTR Data Terminal Ready Input to UPS - typically not used by UPS
22 –12V –12 Volts Output from UPS - always true
NOTE Pins 5 and 6 are tied together internally.