Powerware ST-2400S Power Supply User Manual

the torque arm of the dynamometer to insure that there is no force
being applied to the load cell (which would result in an inaccurate zero
calibration). Remove the calibration access cover panel and set the
calibration mode switch to the ZERO position. Also, be sure that
the shunt resistor switch is set to the OFF position. At this time note
that the RPM display of the unit should indicate “1111” and the
POWER display should indicate “0000”. The TORQUE display
indicates the TORQUE and should read near zero. If the torque
indication is excessive (plus or minus), the POWER display will read
“EEEE” – which indicates that the zero offset of the load cell is
excessive and that the ZERO calibration cannot proceed (see
calibration notes below). Otherwise, press and release the ENTER
push-button switch to perform the zero calibration. At this point, the
TORQUE display should indicate zero and the zero calibration
procedure has been completed.
2.) Set the TORQUE SPAN calibration: Apply the CALIBRATION
TORQUE (see calibration torque notes below) to the unit and set the
calibration mode switch to the SPAN position. At this point the
RPM display should indicate “2222”, the POWER display should
indicate “0000”, and the TORQUE display should indicate a value
approximately equal to the CALIBRATION TORQUE. If the
deviation between the torque reading and the calibration torque is
excessive, the POWER display will read “EEEE” – indicating that the
TORQUE SPAN calibration cannot proceed (see calibration notes
below). Otherwise, press and release the ENTER push-button switch
to perform the TORQUE SPAN calibration. Now the TORQUE
display should indicate the value of the CALIBRATION TORQUE
and the torque span calibration has been completed.
3.) Resume normal operation: Set the calibration mode switch back to
the OFF (center) position. This turns off calibration mode and
restores the unit to normal operation. Be sure to return the shunt
resistor switch to the OFF position (if you used it during the torque
span calibration). Replace the calibration access cover panel. The unit
has now been accurately calibrated.
Calibration Procedure Notes:
1. ZERO CALIBRATION cannot proceed. This problem occurs when the ZERO
OFFSET is excessive – too large for the zero offset correction facility of the 2400S to
correct. Check the following:
1.1 Make sure that the load cell is properly connected to the 2400S horsepower
computer. Inspect the cable for damage, especially at the load cell end and the
connector end. Make sure the connector is securely fastened to the 2400S torque
sensor connector.
1.2 Make sure that the load has been completely removed from the load cell. “Rock”
the drive shaft of the dynamometer CW and CCW slightly (applying a small