Powerware ST-2400S Power Supply User Manual

values are computed and displayed. This process is repeated continuously while
the unit is in operation.
Computer Function Switch:
The computer function switch is used to turn the system power ON/OFF
and to control the functional operation of the horsepower computer. The
function switch has four positions ( “OFF”, “ZERO”, “CHECK”, and
In the “OFF” position, the power to the horsepower computer (and the
load cell, etc.) is turned “OFF”. The power is turned “ON” in the other
three positions of the computer function switch.
The horsepower computer has two user controllable self test modes
(“ZERO” and “CHECK”). These can be used to test much of the
horsepower computer’s internal circuits for proper operation. In the
ZERO position, internal test signals are fed into the RPM and TORQUE
measurement circuits. In the ZERO position of the function switch, these
signals should result in readings of zero on all four displays. If the reading
of any display remains substantially different from zero (more than +/- 1
or 2 counts) when in the zero mode, some type of malfunction of the unit
is indicated.
The second user controllable test mode is the CHECK mode. In this
mode, internal test signals are fed to the RPM and TORQUE measuring
circuits to simulate normal operation of the unit at about 37.5 % of full
scale torque. The actual readings shown on the displays of the unit depend
on internal factory set optional settings – principally the full scale torque
value (which corresponds to the size of the load cell being used with the
unit). The RPM display should read about 4000 RPM (+/- 1 or 2 counts)
on all units. The Torque display should read about 37.5 % of the load cell
rating. Refer to the tables below for the proper readings of the Torque and
Power displays for your unit. The Power reading should agree with the
power you compute from the actual RPM and TORQUE readings (within
+/- 1 or 2 counts) using the above formulae for the horsepower or
Load Cell Rating (Ft.-Lbs.) Torque (Ft.-Lbs.) Power (HP)
100 37.50 28.56
200 75.00 57.10
500 187.5 142.8
1,000 375.0 285.6
2,000 750.0 571.0
5,000 1875 1428