Powerware ST-2400S Power Supply User Manual

Load Cell Rating (Ft.-Lbs.) Torque (N-M) Power (KW)
100 (135.5 N-M) 50.84 21.30
200 (271 N-M) 101.6 42.60
500 (677.5 N-M) 254.2 106.5
1,000 (1355 N-M) 508.4 213.0
2,000 (2710 N-M) 1016 426.0
5,000 (6775 N-M) 2542 1065
10,000 (13550 N-M) 5084 2130
CHECK readings using Newton-Meters and Kilowatts
The ZERO and CHECK positions of the computer function switch
provide quick checks to determine whether the horsepower computer is
operating properly. Proper readings indicate that the major portion of the
computer is working correctly. Note that the Load Cell sensor circuits and
the RPM pickup circuits are NOT tested in the ZERO and CHECK modes.
With the dynamometer at rest and the computer function switch set to
“RUN”, the speed and power displays should show zero (“0”). The torque
display may show some small value --- typically less than +/- 3 Ft.-Lbs (4
N-M). The % torque rise display reading depends on whether or not the
reference torque has been set and if so, to what value – so the reading of
this display should be ignored at this time. See also the section below.
System Power LED:
The system power LED (Light Emitting Diode) is located on the front
panel of the unit, just to the left of the computer function switch.
This green LED indicates that power is applied to the unit and the unit is
turned “ON”.
If this light is slowly flashing ON and OFF, this indicates that the power
supplied to the unit is inadequate (voltage is too low or too un-steady) and
that the readings produced by the unit are likely in-accurate as a result.
Torque Set Switch:
The reference torque set switch is located on the front panel of the unit –
just to the right of the computer function switch. Your unit may (as an
option) be equipped with a remote torque set switch. This switch is
located remotely from the horsepower computer but functions the same as
the torque set switch.