TCCI-1 • 8
Remember that the person with the most knowledge of your computer
system is you. We wish we could be more helpful, but it is virtually
impossible for us to debug your entire system on the telephone. The
majority of problems encountered are software setup related, i.e.
wrong COMM port, IRQ conflicts. Since we did not setup your system,
it is unadvisable for us to recommend that you change your system
settings. Please only call as a last resort and consult the warranty
procedure before doing so.
Connect the radio as you normally would to a power supply, connect the
interface cable to a communications port of your computer (COM1 or
COM2), and connect the other end to the radio. If needed, remove your
modem or other device to allow you to temporarily use one of these ports to
test your interface. These ports tend to be more standardized than COM3 or
COM4, so the program was not written to include the diversity of options
available. Now run the program by typing in the following commands at the
default prompt.
A:\COMMTEST.EXE (Where A is the drive that the install disk is in)
After making sure everything is set to go, look in your radio's manual under
computer control. There should be a good general description of the codes
required to perform certain tasks, data protocols (ie. , 4800, N, 8, 1) and so
Look up the protocol first, and then set it in Commtest by pressing "S" on the
main menu. Follow the directions and answer the questions for baud rates,
stop bits, etc. Then look up a simple code like setting the frequency or
turning some feature on and off. Depending on how the manufacturer has
set up the op codes in the radio will determine what format to use. For
example the Yeasu 2.5200 Mhz, the op code needed is 0Ah, 01h, 42h, 50h,
00h. Note that 0Ah is the op code for setting frequency. The problem that
you will find upon trying to send this code to the radio is that it needs to be
sent in reverse order of what makes sense to you and me. The Yeasu FT-
900 radio requires that the codes be sent out in reverse order, so when
entered into the program you will need to start with 00h and end with the
code of 0Ah.