Raritan Computer P2-UMT832M Server User Manual

6. Configure the channel ports in your system. (Check the [Scroll Lock] LED on one of your user-station
keyboards. If it is blinking, the Paragon is ready to accept hotkey commands from that user station.
Hotkey commands can be used with the OSUI to login, select servers, or administer the system.)
a. At the Login Menu, type admin in the User Name field and press the [Enter] key. In the
Password field, type the default password raritan (all lowercase) and press the [Enter] key.
b. The monitor will display the Selection Menu, indicating that the User Station is correctly installed.
Figure 24 Selection Menu
c. Press [F5] to activate the Administration Menu. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the
highlight to the Channel Configuration entry and press the [Enter] key to select it.
Figure 25 Administration Menu