With the MultiStation PC you get all the benefits of a second
computer without the expense of purchasing another computer.
Allows multiple users to use one computer at the same time.
Video resolution up to 1280 x 1024 x 16 bit High Color at 60 Hz
1024 x 768 x 32 bit True Color at 85Hz
Each user can work independently on the same or different
application with no interference.
Virtually no performance degradation
Each user can have their own Windows desktop
Share peripheral devices like printers, plotters, and scanners.
Users can share a common modem and connect to the Internet.
They can surf the web or send and receive E-mail over a single
phone or DSL line with a single Internet connection
Locate the second user up to 50 feet away from the PC using
standard STP CAT5 cable.
In a network environment, all users can share the PC’s network
adapter and connection.
Saves equipment cost, software cost, peripherals, networking, and
other hardware costs.
Easy to install and maintain.