Sam4s ER-380M Cash Register User Manual

ER-380 / ER-380M Program Mode Programming
Program 90 - Function Key HALO
Use Program 90 to program a high amount lock out (HALO) for a function key. Only specific keys
require this program. For example, you can set a HALO for the CASH, CHECK or CHARGE keys.
Refer to the specific function key programming information in this chapter to determine when the
HALO option is available.
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 9 0, press the SBTL key.
0 SBTL 9
3. Enter a HALO of up to eight digits, (or "0" for no HALO).
Enter 1-8 digit
4. Press the function key on the keyboard you wish to program.
5. To program additional function keys, repeat from step 2, or press the CASH
key to finalize the program.