Transferring files to your computer
Turn on the camera.
The computer recognizes the camera automatically and a t
removable disk icon will be displayed.
Double-click the removable disk icon.
Transfer photos or videos to the computer.
For Mac users
When you connect the camera to a Macintosh computer, the
computer will recognize the device automatically. You can transfer
files directly from the camera to the computer without installing
any programs.
Requirements for QuickTime Player 7.5
1.8 GHz Power Mac G5/1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo or highert
Mac OS X version 10.3.9 or latert
Minimum 256 MB RAM (1 GB and above recommended)t
64 MB or greater video cardt
Connect your camera to a Macintosh computer with the
USB cable.
You must plug the end of the cable with the indicator light (S) into
your camera. If the cable is reversed, it may damage your files. The
manufacturer is not responsible for any loss of data.