CONFIDENTIAL. VERSION: S-CG4-01rA-01-2010PG © 2010 SATO Corporation. All rights reserved.
Please contact your local SATO representative or authorized partner for product warranty
terms and condition.
For complete spare parts lists and exploded view drawings, please contact your local SATO
representative or authorized partner.
Recommended Spare Parts
SATO All-In-One Tool: A SATO-developed printer control and management software
application. This tool allows users from their host PC, to configure and control printers
SATO Keypad: an input device to enable users to enter data (a combination of numeric,
alphabetical and some symbols found on a keyboard)
Online Mode: Generally refers to the state when two or more devices are directly connected,
in this case the printer to a host PC where it is able to accept 2-way communication.
Standalone Printing: Printing without a PC. It usually requires a printer which can store label
designs and handle information added at time of print without using a computer. In the case of
the CG4, label designs are stored into the SATO keypad internal memory (or the SD card) and
variable data is inputted using the keypad.