Seagate ST43402ND Computer Drive User Manual

ST43401N/ND, ST43402ND User’s Manual, Rev. B 51
Section 5. Maintenance
This section contains the following maintenance information:
Observing maintenance precautions
Arranging for depot repair
Removing and replacing a drive
Packing a drive for shipment
Observing maintenance precautions
Because the drive is depot repairable, there are no field-replaceable parts.
Before beginning any maintenance activities, observe the following precau-
Follow the precautions listed under “Electrostatic discharge protection” in
the preface.
Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive chassis. Return the entire
drive for depot repair if any circuit board is defective. Removal of circuit
boards by personnel not performing depot repair will damage components
and may void the warranty.
Do not remove the head and disc assembly (HDA) from the drive chassis.
Return the entire drive for depot repair if the HDA is defective.
Do not attempt to disassemble the HDA. It is not field repairable. If the sealed
HDA is opened by personnel not performing depot repair, this will damage
components and void the warranty.
Use forced-air ventilation when bench-testing the drive to ensure proper
cooling of drive components.
Do not handle the drive while powered up, due to the gyroscopic motion
produced by discs that have not completed spinning down.
Do not connect or disconnect I/O cables while power is applied to the drive
or other SCSI devices. If the SCSI bus is active, this will cause errors.
Do not connect or disconnect the DC power cable while the power supply
is energized.