Electricity is used to perform many useful functions, but it can also cause personal injuries and property damage if improperly
handled. This product has been engineered and manufactured with the highest priority on safety. However, improper use can
operating and cleaning the product. To ensure your safety and prolong the service life of your LCD product, please read the
following precautions carefully before using the product.
1. Read instructions — All operating instructions must be read and understood before the product is operated.
2. Keepthismanualinasafeplace—Thesesafetyandoperatinginstructionsmustbekeptinasafeplaceforfuture
3. Observe warnings — All warnings on the product and in the instructions must be observed closely.
4. Follow instructions — All operating instructions must be followed.
5. Cleaning — Unplug the power cord from the AC outlet before cleaning the product. Use a dry cloth to clean the product. Do
not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
6. Attachments — Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer. Use of inadequate attachments can result
in accidents.
7. Waterandmoisture—Donotusetheproductnearwater.Donotinstalltheproductinaplacewherewatermaysplashonto
8. Ventilation — The vents and other openings in the cabinet are designed for ventilation.
of the product. Do not place the product on a sofa, rug or other similar surface, since they can block ventilation openings.
Do not place the product in an enclosed place such as a bookcase or rack, unless proper ventilation is provided or the
manufacturer’s instructions are followed.
9. Powercordprotection—Thepowercordsmustberoutedproperlytopreventpeoplefromsteppingonthemorobjectsfrom
resting on them.
10. TheLCDpanelusedinthisproductismadeofglass.Therefore,itcanbreakwhentheproductisdroppedorappliedwith
11. Overloading—DonotoverloadACoutletsorextensioncords.Overloadingcancausereorelectricshock.
12. Enteringofobjectsandliquids—Neverinsertanobjectintotheproductthroughventsoropenings.Highvoltageowsin
the product, and inserting an object can cause electric shock and/or short internal parts.
For the same reason, do not spill water or liquid on the product.
13. Servicing — Do not attempt to service the product yourself. Removing covers can expose you to high voltage and other
14. Repair—Ifanyofthefollowingconditionsoccurs,unplugthepowercordfromtheACoutlet,andrequestaqualiedservice
person to perform repairs.
c. Whentheproducthasbeenexposedtorainorwater.
Do not touch the controls other than those described in the operating instructions. Improper adjustment of controls
f. Whentheproductdisplaysanabnormalcondition.Anynoticeableabnormalityintheproductindicatesthattheproduct
needs servicing.
15. Replacement parts — In case the product needs replacement parts, make sure that the service person uses replacement
16. Safety checks — Upon completion of service or repair work, request the service technician to
perform safety checks to ensure that the product is in proper operating condition.
17. Wallmounting—Whenmountingtheproductonawall,besuretoinstalltheproductaccordingtothemethod
recommended by the manufacturer.
18. Heatsources—Keeptheproductawayfromheatsourcessuchasradiators,heaters,stovesandotherheat-generating
19. Batteries—Incorrectuseofbatteriesmaycausethebatteriestoburstorignite.Aleakybatterymaycorrodetheequipment,
dirty your hands or spoil your clothing. In order to avoid these problems, make sure to observe the precautions below:
clothing may cause a skin irritation or damage your eye.
20. Usageofthemonitormustnotbeaccompaniedbyfatalrisksordangersthat,couldleaddirectlytodeath,personalinjury,
severe physical damage or other loss, including nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, medical life support system, and
missile launch control in a weapon system.