3. At the User Account Control, click Yes.
Skip this step if not prompted.
4. At the InstallShield Wizard Complete, click
5. Connect the hub to the computer.
6. Restart the computer.
Windows Vista (32-/64-bit) / Windows XP
(32-/64-bit) / Server 2003 (32-/64-bit) /
Server 2008 (32-/64-bit)
1. Insert the driver CD, close the driver
window if prompted.
2. Click Start, Run, type D:\win XP_2003_
2008_Vista\setup.exe, then click OK.
(Change D: to match your CD\DVD-ROM
drive letter)
For Windows Vista: At the User Account
Control, click Continue.
For XP, Server 2003 & 2008: Go directly to
step 4.
4. At the InstallShield Wizard Complete, click
5. Connect the hub to the computer.