4. Click Install this driver software anyway, then click
5. Restart Windows to complete the installation.
When Windows resumes, go to Initio SATA RAID
Manager GUI on page 13 and install the RAID utility.
To Verify Windows Installation
For Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003
1. Right click My Computer and click Manage.
2. Select Device Manager.
3. Double click SCSI and RAID controllers, and Initio
INIC1622 S-ATA Raid Controller and Initio RAID
Interface should be displayed.
For Windows Vista
1. Right click Computer, click Manage, click Continue.
Select Device Manager.
2. Double click Storage controllers, Initio INIC1622
S-ATA Raid Controller and Initio RAID Interface
should be displayed.
For Windows Server 2008
1. Right click Computer, click Manage, double click
Diagnostics. Select Device Manager.
2. Double click Storage controllers, Initio INIC1622
S-ATA Raid Controller and Initio RAID Interface
should be displayed.