SnapGear SnapGear Network Card User Manual

Hostname: You may change the name the SnapGear appliance knows
itself by. This is not generally necessary.
Manual configuration: Select this to manually specify your SnapGear
appliance’s LAN connection settings.
Skip: LAN already configured: Select this if you wish to use the
SnapGear appliance’s initial network settings (IP address
and subnet mask as a basis for your LAN settings. You
may skip to the next step.
Obtain LAN IP address from a DHCP server on LAN (not generally
recommended): Select this if you have an existing DHCP server that you
wish to have automatically configure your SnapGear appliance’s LAN
connection settings. You may skip to the next step.
Click Next.
Note: This page will only display if you previously selected Manual
configuration. Otherwise skip to the next step.
Enter an IP address and Subnet mask for your SnapGear appliance’s
LAN connection. You may choose to use the SnapGear appliance’s
initial network settings if you are sure no other PC or network device
already has the address of
The IP address will later be used as the gateway address for the PCs
on your LAN. To gain access through this gateway, the PCs on your
LAN must have an IP address within the bounds of the subnet described
by the SnapGear appliance’s IP address and subnet mask (e.g. using
the SnapGear appliance’s initial network settings, –
Take note of this IP address and subnet mask, as you will need them
later on.
Click Next to set up your SnapGear appliance’s Internet connection
settings and connect to the Internet.