Page 28 SonicWALL ViewPoint
The Web Filter Summary report displays a bar graph of at-
tempts to access objectionable Web sites by the number of
blocked attempts. The table displays the hour of the day,
the number of attempts to access objectionable Web con-
tent during the hour, and the number of attempts as a
percentage of the total attempts during the report period.
Top Objectionable Web Sites
The Top Objectionable Web Sites report presents the top des-
tinations that were blocked by the SonicWALL. This report
allows you to see which sites users are attempt to access.
The Top Objectionable Web Sites report displays a pie chart
of the top 20 objectionable Web sites by the number of
attempts to access the site. The table lists the top objec-
tionable Web sites, the number of attempts to access the
site, and the number of attempts as a percentage of the
total attempts during the report period.
Note: The Web sites displayed in the table include links to
the blocked sites, so that the ViewPoint administrator may
view and evaluate blocked Web sites. The ViewPoint adminis-
trator may also be blocked from accessing these sites if he or
she does not have privileges to bypass the SonicWALL's Con-
tent Filter List.
Top Users Attempting to Access Objectionable Web Sites
The Top Users Attempting to Access Objectionable Web Sites
report shows the users most frequently blocked by the
SonicWALL’s Content Filtering policies. This report presents
a list of users that are trying to access inappropriate or ob-
jectionable material on the Internet.
The Top Users Attempting to Access Objectionable Web Sites
report displays a pie chart of the top 10 users by the num-
ber of connection attempts. The report table lists the top
10 users displayed in the chart, the number of Web attempts
by the user, and the number of attempts as a percentage of
the total blocked attempts during the report period.
Top Objectionable Web Sites By User
The Top Objectionable Web Sites By User report shows the
top 5 filtered Web sites by user. This report describes the
Web sites users attempted to visit that were blocked by the
SonicWALL’s Web Content Filtering policies.