Care must be taken to ensure that no path loops back on itself.
The digital signal passes through all the connected i.LINK cables. Circular
cable connections must be avoided to prevent signals from returning to the
device from which they originated. Such circular connections are referred to as
Example of correct connection Example of looped connection
• Some i.LINK devices, such as computers, must be turned on to relay data between other
i.LINK devices. When connecting an i.LINK device, be sure to refer to the instructions that
are provided with that device.
• The maximum data transfer rate that is supported by any given i.LINK device is indicated
by markings in the vicinity of the i.LINK connector. The maximum i.LINK data transfer
rates are defined as approximately 100, 200, and 400 Mbps, which are respectively denoted
as S100, S200, and S400. When devices having different maximum data transfer rates are
connected together, rates achieved by individual devices may be less than their rated