Section 3
Control Terminal
3-1. Selecting the Control Terminal
Load Windows 3.1 to an IBM PC/AT compatible machine (CPU: 80486 or a faster and more powerful
micro-processor, clock: 25 MHz or faster enough) and use it as a control terminal in the terminal mode of
When using personal computers, codes F1 to F5 must be set to the Windows screen.
Key Name Command
F1 F1 ^ [ [ 17 ~
F2 F2 ^ [ [ 18 ~
F3 F3 ^ [ [ 19 ~
F4 F4 ^ [ [ 20 ~
F5 F5 ^ [ [ 21 ~
F6 __
F7 __
F8 __
It is possible to select codes F1 to F5 by using the cursor keys or using the [Ctrl] _ [Alt] _ [F||] key
Connect the personal computer to the primary routing switcher (REMOTE 3) using the RS-232C cable.
Symbols Used in This Manual
The symbols used for the control terminal keys in this manual are as follows.
(1) All keys are enclosed in boxes. (Ex. [Ctrl], [Return])
(2) The numerical keys in the text mean keys [0] to [9].
(3) The alphabet keys in the text mean keys [A] to [Z].
(4) The cursor key in the text mean the [(], [)], [&], and [*] keys.
(5) When two keys are to be pressed together, they are joined by the “_”. (Ex. [Ctrl] _ [X])
Functions of Keys Used for Setting
Character key : Insert the character pressed where the cursor is.
[*] : Move the cursor to the right one space.
[&] : Move the cursor to the left one space.
[Ctrl] _ [L] : Move the cursor to the right end of the character string.
[Ctrl] _ [A] : Move the cursor to the left end of the character string.
[Ctrl] _ [X] : Erase the whole character string being input and moves the cursor to the left end.
[BS] : Erase the character just before the cursor.
[DEL] : Erase the character at the cursor.
[Ctrl] _ [U] : Recover the characters erased with [BS] or [DEL] where the cursor is (up to 16 charac-
ters can be restored).
[Ctrl] _ [F] : Erase the character string input and recover the original state.
[Enter] : Fix the entered command and data (same as [Return]).