Once your Duende PCIe hardware and software has been properly installed, Duende PCIe plug-ins are accessed and used just
like any host-based plug-in. You can run Duende PCIe plug-ins simultaneously with your other host based plug-ins in any
All Duende PCIe plug-ins support up to 40bit 96kHz operation. Please note that Duende PCIe plug-ins use twice as much DSP
resources at 96kHz.
Duende PCIe parameters are changed by dragging, rotating or clicking knobs and buttons, whose behavior varies slightly
depending on which software is being used to host the plug-ins. Generally the further away the mouse pointer is from the
knob, the more resolution is available for parameter adjustment.
When the mouse cursor is hovered over a knob it’s value is displayed in the appropriate units. At any point you can see exactly
what value a knob has without touching it. If you have a mouse with scroll wheel, it can be used to change the knob position.
Windows XP:
To reset a knob to its default value hold 'Ctrl + click' on that knob.
For very fine adjustment, hold 'SHIFT' whilst dragging.
To reset a knob to its default value hold 'Command + click' on that knob.
For very fine adjustment, hold 'SHIFT' whilst dragging.
Every Duende PCIe plug-in parameter can be automated so long as parameter automation is supported by the host application.
The method for recording and editing automation varies from host to host. For specific instructions on using automation with
the host consult the host application documentation.
4. Operational Overview