Star Micronics NR-15 Printer User Manual

Some programs don’t ask you what kind of printer you have,
but instead ask some questions about what your printer can
do. The answers to the “most asked” questions are: Yes - this
printer can do a “backspace”, and this printer can do a
“hardware form feed”.
With these questions answered, you are ready to start
printing. Read the manual that came with your software and
the next Chapter to see how to make it send information for
this printer to print. This is all you need to know to use this
printer as a regular printer. But this printer isn’t just a regular
printer. This printer has many capabilities that your com-
mercial software isn’t aware of. We will see what it takes to
use some of the printer’s advanced features with commercial
software in the next section.
Not many word processing programs directly support all
of the advanced features of printers. They usual!y provide a
method for using a few of the more common print features
such as boldface and underlining. But as you are probably
beginning to see from this manual, this printer can do much
more than that.
As a result, most word processing programs provide a way
of sending special codes to a printer. The actual codes used
(as well as the method of entering them) will vary with different
software. The theory behind these methods, however, is bas-
ically the same.
This section discusses two word processing programs and
one spreadsheet program most used by printer owners. The
programs also provide a variety of ways to enter the codes
necessary to use the advanced features of this printer. These
concepts can be applied to many other programs besides those
detailed here. The programs are:
EasyWriter II
Lotus I-2-3
If your software program is not included in this Chapter.
you should still study the different techniques used. Then, with