Star Micronics NR-15 Printer User Manual

* :.
Demo of uni-directional printing
20 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;“l”;
30 FOR I=1 TO 10
40 LPRINT II t , ,I
70 LPRINT CHR$(27) ; “Ul”;
80 FOR I=1 TO 10
90 LPRINT I, , I ,I
100 NEXT I
110 LPRINT CHR$(12);CHR$t271;“@”
Here is what you will get. The top line is printed bi-direc-
tionally, and the bottom is printed uni-directionally. You will
have to look hard because there isn’t much difference, but the
bottom vertical lines are perfectly alignined.
Let’s analyze the program. Line 20 sets the line spacing to
7/72 of an inch so that the characters that we print will touch
top to bottom.
Lines 30- 50 print 10 vertical line characters.
Then line 70 sets uni-directional printing and the vertical lines
are printed again. Finally line 110 sends a form feed to advance
the paper to the top of a new page, and then uses the master
reset to restore the printer to the power on condition.
You can also set the printer to print in one direction for
one line only by using the < ESC > <” command. This