Star Micronics SG-10 Printer User Manual

A Special Message
to the New Owner
Congratulations on your selecting the printer of choice for
both the sophisticated as well as the first-time user/owner - the
new SG-10/1.5!
To complement the SG-10/15, we’ve included this manual.
All the information you need to be up and running with your
new SG- 10/l 5 is right here!
You’ll find using this manual easy and pleasant. We’ve gone
to great length to make it so, as it’s master-minded by solid experts
in the art of computer science, and written by professionals ex-
perienced in presenting technical subjects accurately - and in
Plain English!
As an example, look over the Table of Contents and you’ll
see what we mean. Whether you’re a greenhorn or a technical
wizard, everything you need to know in order utilize to SG- 10/l 5’s
wealth of features can be found there. We suggest that each new
owner/user take time to at least scan Chapter 2 and 3 - “Getting
to Know Your SG-10/15” and “Getting Started With
SG-10/15”- as well as Chapter 1, “Setting Up SG-10/15”, to
become familiar with your SG-lo/15 and how it works.
When you’re ready to connect your computer to your
SG- 10/l 5, look at Appendix J for directions applying to your
make of computer.
For you who wish to design your own characters, do your
own plotting, your own infinite variety of dot graphic patterns
and densities, you’ll have a ball! For you, Chapters 5 through
10 are a must, and of course everybody should look at Chapter
11, which tells how to maintain your SG- 10/l 5 for a long and
carefree life.
In this manual there are plenty of example programs to de-
monstrate and show off all of SG-10/15’s features. Since many
SG- 10/l 5 users have IBM Personal Computers (or the equivalent)
all the example programs are written in Microsoft BASIC for
the IBM. But throughout the manual, users of other computers
will find hints on how to make SG-lo/15 work with their com-
So, gentle reader, with this manual we hand you the key to
the wonderful world of SG-10/15. May you enjoy years of
handsome, fast, and carefree printing!