Sun Microsystems JDBC/ODBC Adapter Network Card User Manual

Chapter 6 Section 6.5
Implementing the JDBC/ODBC eWay Sample Projects Building and Deploying the prjJDBC_JCD Sample Project
JDBC/ODBC eWay Adapter User’s Guide 83 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
otdInputDTD_DBemployees_1.getX_sequence_A( i1 ).getEmpNo(), "#",
false, 0 ) );
otdInputDTD_DBemployees_1.getX_sequence_A( i1 ).getLastname() );
otdInputDTD_DBemployees_1.getX_sequence_A( i1 ).getFirstname() );
otdJDBC_1.getInsert_Ps().setRate( new
java.math.BigDecimal( otdInputDTD_DBemployees_1.getX_sequence_A( i1
).getRate() ) );
otdInputDTD_DBemployees_1.getX_sequence_A( i1 ).getLastDate(), "yyyy-
MM-dd hh:mm:ss", false, "" ) );
\\ Writes a message to confirm the inserted records.
FileClient_1.setText( "Done Insert." );
Creating the jcdPsSelect Business Rules
The jcdPsSelect Collaboration implements the Input Web Service Operation to read the file. It then copies the database resultset (as noted in the prepared
statement query) into the otdInputDTD_DBEmployee OTD and selects all available
records from the database. The Collaboration also writes a message to
JCD_PsSelect_output0.dat to confirm when records are selected, or when no records
are available.
The jcdPsSelect Collaboration contains the Business Rules displayed in Figure 33.