RSA Real-T
ime Spectrum Analyzers
Easily Problems Using the Revolutionary DPX
Spectrum Display
Detection is the first step in understanding and resolving any problem relating to time-variant signals. As new
applications utilize wireless transmission, new channels crowd into available bandwidth, and RF systems become
digital-based, engineers need better tools to help them find and interpret complex behaviors and interactions.
ektronix’ patented Digital Phosphor technology, standard in our RSA6100A Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers,
reveals signal details that are completely missed by conventional spectrum analyzers and vector signal analyzers.
Spectrum’s live RF display shows signals never seen before, giving users instant insight and greatly
accelerating discovery and diagnosis.
Infrequently occurring transient is seen
in detail. The frequency of occurrence is
color-graded, indicating the infrequent
transient event in blue and the noise
background in red.
Revolutionary DPX spectrum display
reveals transient signal behavior that
helps you discover instability, glitches
and interference.
Performing >48,000 frequency
transforms per second, transients as
brief as 24
µs in length are displayed
in the frequency domain. This is a
1000-fold improvement over swept
analysis techniques. Events can be
color coded by rate of occurrence
onto a bitmapped display, providing
unparalleled insight into transient
signal behavior.
DPX Spectrum display after
5 seconds. Bitmap color mapping
is “Spectral”, to emphasize
infrequent signals with hot colors.
MaxHold trace is indicated in yellow.