RSA Real-T
ime Spectrum Analyzers
Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers overcome the challenges associated with today’s complex RF signals with both
frequency and time domain event triggers. These advanced triggers provide the ability to capture a seamless
record of RF signals into memory and perform time-correlated, multi-domain analysis.
Unlike traditional swept spectrum analyzers, the Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer offers a Power Trigger with
user-settable span, enabling spectrum capture whenever the power of any signal crosses a user-defined
threshold. Tektronix’ exclusive Frequency Mask Trigger enables the capture of the spectrum of interest when
a discrete change in signal frequency, amplitude, or bandwidth occurs, or when a signal appears or disappears.
Frequency Mask Triggering occurs even if spectral events are detected at a much lower level than adjacent
signals. In addition, the flexibility of the Frequency Mask Trigger enables the creation of a customizable mask
that can monitor multiple different frequency bands within the analysis span.
Using the Frequency Mask Trigger and
Spectrogram to determine if interference with
specific WLAN packets is coming from a
Bluetooth transimitter or a microwave oven.
the Only Spectrum Analyzers with Frequency Domain Triggering
Frequency Mask Trigger can
catch unknown, transient
or low duty cycle signals in
a multi-signal spectrum
Trigger can be used in an
exceed threshold or “fall under”
threshold mode
Trigger position can be set to
designate what percentage of
the captured time record will
be pre-trigger and post-trigger
Point-click-and-drag editor
makes mask set-up easy