Cash Flow Worksheet 43
Uneven and Grouped Cash Flows
Uneven Cash Flows
The Cash Flow worksheet analyzes unequal cash flows over equal time
periods. Cash-flow values can include both inflows (cash received) and
outflows (cash paid out).
All cash-flow problems start with an initial cash flow labeled CFo. CFo is
always a known, entered value.
Grouped Cash Flows
Cash-flow problems can contain cash flows with unique values as well as
consecutive cash flows of equal value.
Although you must enter unequal cash flows separately, you can enter
groups of consecutive, equal cash flows simultaneously using the
Entering Cash Flows
Cash flows consist of an initial cash flow (CFo) and up to 32 additional
cash flows (
C01-C32), each of which can have a unique value. You must
enter the number of occurrences (up to 9,999), or frequency (F), for each
additional cash flow (C01-C32).
• The calculator displays positive values for inflows (cash received) and
negative values for outflows (cash paid out).
• To clear the Cash Flow worksheet, press & z.
To enter cash flows:
1. Press '. The initial cash-flow value (
CFo) appears.
2. Key in a value for CFo and press !.
3. To select an additional cash-flow variable, press #. The
C01 value
4. To change C01, key in a value and press !.