User’s Manual 3-14
Hardware, Utilities and Options
TOSHIBA eco Utility This PC is equipped with "eco mode". This mode
slightly lowers performance of some devices to
reduce electric power consumption. You can
realize measurable power savings by using it
continuously. TOSHIBA eco Utility helps you
monitor your power savings by showing
approximate real time power consumption.
Furthermore, it shows approximate accumulated
power consumption and approximate
accumulated power savings when using eco
mode daily, weekly, and monthly. You can track
power savings by using eco mode continuously.
To access this utility, click Start -> All Programs
-> TOSHIBA -> Utilities -> eco Utility.
TOSHIBA Bulletin
Bulletin Board is a convenient place to pin things
to visually organize in a fun and creative way.
Simply drag and drop your favorite pictures, files
or notes to pin them on the Board. You can use it
to create thumbnail shortcuts, reminders, to-do
list and so on according to your personal style.
To access this utility, click Start -> All Programs
-> TOSHIBA -> TOSHIBA Bulletin Board.
TOSHIBA ReelTime This application is a graphical history/indexing
tool that enables you to view recently accessed
files in a fun and easy-to-use format. View and
scroll through your history of opened or imported
files via thumbnails in an intuitive user interface.
To access this utility, click Start -> All Programs