HS85 Mini Powerline Adapter
4.2 Privacy
The Privacy configuration page provides a means for managing the local network and providing
additional security for the logical network and also to select the devices that has to be included in the
network. All HomePlug devices are shipped using a default logical network (network name), which is
normally “HomePlug”
The Privacy configuration homepage allows you to change the Network Name of the Powerline
Adapter that is currently connected to this computer into a private network. Reset the private network to
universal public network by clicking on the “Use Default (Public Network)” or entering/editing
“HomePlug” under column of “Private Network Name” is always available.
Note that every Powerline Adapter on your home network MUST have the same Network Password for
connectivity to be established throughout your home
Changing the network name to anything other than “HomePlug” will show the network type on the Main
configuration screen as “Private”.
Set Local Device Only: Click this tab to change the network name of the local Powerline Adapter
device only. All Powerline Adapter devices seen on the Main configuration homepage prior to this will
be no longer present in the new network, effectively making the local devices not to communicate to
the devices who were in the old logical network. Devices previously set up with the same logical
network (same network name) will appear in the device list afterward selecting this option.
Set All Devices: The Set All Devices button is used to change the logical network of all devices that
appear on the Main configuration homepage whose Device‟s Password had been entered for the
same logical network. A dialog window will appear to report the success of this operation. For devices
whose device passwords were not entered, this operation will fail and will report a failure message.