Chapter 4
BIOS Configuration
Settings Chart (continued)
* Setting option not selectable.
USB Function
Set this option to Enabled to enable USB (Universal Serial Bus) support. The
settings are Enabled or Disabled.
Setting Option Optimal Default Fail-Safe Default
D R A M R ef r es h R at e 15 .6 us 15 .6 us
Memory Hole Disabled Disabled
SDRAM RAS# Precharge 3SCLKs 3SCLKs
P ower D own S DR AM D is abled D is abl ed
ACPI Control Register Disabled Disabled
Gated Clock Disabled Disabled
Graphics Aperture Size 64 MB 64 MB
S earch for MDA R es ources Yes Yes
AGP Multi-Trans Timer (AGP Clks) 32 Disabled
AGP Low-Priority Timer (Clks) 16 Disabled
AGP SERR Disabled Disabled
AGP Parity Error Response Disabled Disabled
8bit I/O Recovery T ime Disabled Disabled
16bit I/O R ecovery T ime Dis abled D is abled
P IIX4 SERR# Disabled Dis abled
USB Passive R eleas e Enabled Enabled
P IIX4 Pas sive Release Enabled Enabled
P IIX4 Delayed T ransaction Disabled Disabled
T ype F DM A B uffer Control1 Dis abled Dis abled
T ype F DM A B uffer Control2 Dis abled D is abled
DMA-0 T ype Normal ISA Normal ISA
DMA-1 T ype Normal ISA Normal ISA
DMA-2 T ype Normal ISA Normal ISA
DMA-3 T ype Normal ISA Normal ISA
DMA-4 T ype Normal ISA Normal ISA
DMA-5 T ype Normal ISA Normal ISA
DMA-6 T ype Normal ISA Normal ISA