
Start Remote Mode and Change Transfer Speed:
1. Press and hold RMT for 2 seconds to activate the Remote
2. Select the transfer speed except for , then press
E and
the scanner will start Remote mode.
A unique feature of the BCT8 is that all the front panel keys on the radio remain operational
in Remote mode.
For information on purchasing BCT8 Scanner software to program and control your BCT8,
you can contact the following:
Uniden Parts Department (800) 554-3988
(Hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time
Monday through Friday)
PC Control Parameter
For your information:
Transfer speed : 9600/19200/38400/57600 bps (adjustable)
Start/Stop bit : 1 bit, 1 bit
Data Length : 8 bit
Parity Check : None
Code : ASCII code
Flow Control : None
Return Code : Carriage Return only
Clone Mode
You will need to purchase a RS232C straight cable a null modem adapter. RS232C straight
cables are available as male to male or male to female. Even if the RS232C straight cable
you buy already has the male to male connectors, you will still have to have the null modem
adapter. On the next page you will see the pin connections that are internal to a standard
device. (These items are available at your local electronics stores.)