IPS-800CE-D16 & IPS-1600CE-D16 - User’s Guide
The Plug Parameters Menu allows you to define the following parameters:
• Plug Name: (Up to 16 Characters, Default = undefined.)
Note: Plug Names cannot begin with a number, dash (-), underscore
character (_), forward slash character (/) or backslash (\) character,
and cannot include non printable characters, spaces, asterisks (*),
colons (:), the plus symbol (+) or quotation marks.
• Plug Password: When this password is entered at login, the user will be
able to issue commands to this plug, and any other plug that shares the
same password as this plug as described in Section (Four to 16
Characters, Default = undefined.)
Note: Passwords cannot begin with the forward slash character (/)
or backslash (\) character, and cannot include non printable characters,
spaces, asterisks (*) or quotation marks.
• Boot/Seq. Delay: When more than one plug is switched On/Off or
a reboot cycle is initiated, the Boot/Sequence delay determines how
much time will elapse between switching operations, as described in
Section (Default = 0.5 Second.)
• Power Up Default: Determines how this plug will react when the
Default command (/D) is invoked, or after power to the unit has been
interrupted and then restored. After the default command is invoked, or
power is restored, the IPS will automatically switch each plug On or Off
as specified by the Power-Up Default. (Default = On).
Note: If you have accessed command mode using the System
password, the Default command will apply to all switched plugs. If
you have accessed command mode using a plug password, then the
command will only be applied to plugs that share the same password
entered at login. Plug Passwords and Co-Location Features
The Plug Passwords allow you to determine which plugs an individual user
will be permitted to control. When a plug password is entered at the login
prompt, the user will be able to issue switching and reboot commands for the
corresponding plug, and every other plug that shares this same password.
For example, if the password "switch" is defined for plugs 1, 2, and 3, then
a user who logs into command mode using the password "switch" will only
be allowed to issue commands to plugs 1, 2, and 3, but will not be allowed
to issue commands to the remaining plugs. Note that Plug Passwords do not
allow access to configuration menus, and users are only allowed to view the
status of plugs permitted by their password.