GPIB Operation
30 Operating Manual for GPIB for XPD Series Power Supply
Table 3.1 IEEE-488.1 Interface Functions Implemented
The GPIB interface and the computer controller implement the Acceptor Handshake,
Source Handshake, Listener, and Talker functions. No user action is required. The
unit's ADR (Addressed) LED turns on when the power supply is addressed to listen
or talk.
Device Clear The power supply will implement Device Clear regardless of whether it is in local or
remote control. Device Clear is typically used to send all or selected devices to a
known state with a single command. The power supply will be set to Initial (Power
On) Conditions after Device Clear.
Mnemonic Capability Description
SH1 Source Handshake Device must properly transfer a multiline message.
AH1 Acceptor Handshake Device must properly receive remote multiline
T6 Talker Device must be able to transmit.
L4 Listener Device must receive commands and data.
DC1 Device Clear Device can be initialized to a previously determined
DT1 Device Trigger A device function can be initiated by a talker on the
E1 Open Collector Drivers Describes the type of electrical drivers in a device.
PP1 Parallel Poll Upon controller request, device must uniquely
identify itself if it requires service.
RL1 Remote/Local Device must be able to operate from front panel and
via remote information from bus.
SR1 Service Request Device can asynchronously request service from
SP1 Serial Poll All talkers on the bus assume a serial poll mode.
Each device when addressed will provide an 8-bit
word of status information.
ibfind "devname" Address the unit (devname or device name as
configured originally with ibconf)
ibclr Low level command directed to entire bus, or
ibwrt"clr" Device-dependent command directed to a
specific device.