Xantrex Technology XDC 60-200 Power Supply User Manual

Remote Operation
4–40 TM-XDOP-01XN
Auto Sequence Operation
Select Sequence to Run
PROGram:NAME <sequence_number>
where <sequence_number> can range from 1 to 10.
Once the programmed sequence has been selected, you can start it by setting
the state to RUN, by sending the command PROG:STAT RUN.
At any time you can pause the sequence by sending PROG:STAT PAUS.
A paused sequence will cause the supply to hold the output levels at the
setpoints programmed by the current step. To resume, set the state to RUN
To end the sequence operation, send the command PROG:STAT STOP.
Sending RUN will restart the auto sequence program from the first step.
You can query the state of the selected auto sequence program with
Trigger If the auto sequence was programmed to wait for a trigger, the power supply holds
the output levels at the programmed setpoints until a trigger is received. It then
advances to the next step. A trigger must come from the selected trigger source.
Skipping a Step
Querying Operation
You can query the step number that is currently operating.
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 40 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM