Xantrex Technology XDC 60-200 Power Supply User Manual

Remote Operation
4–48 TM-XDOP-01XN
Protection SHUTdown Sub-Register
Table 4-12
Protection SHUTdown Sub-Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 Over VOLTage Over voltage protection has tripped
1 2 Under VOLTage Under voltage protection has tripped
2 4 Over CURrent Over current protection has tripped
3 8 Under CURrent Under current protection has tripped
4 16 Over POWer Over power protection has tripped
5 32 Under POWer Under power protection has tripped
6 64 AC Off AC Off protection has tripped
7 128 Over TEMPerature Over temperature protection has tripped
8 256 SENSe Sense protection has tripped
9 512 FOLDback Foldback protection has tripped
10 1024 ASlave 12000 Watt Analog slave has shutdown due to a protection event
in the slave unit
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 48 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM