Xantrex Technology XDC 60-200 Power Supply User Manual

SCPI Commands for Digital Interfaces
TM-XDOP-01XN 4–57
Status Byte bit 3 AND Service Request Enable Register bit 3
Status Byte bit 4 AND Service Request Enable Register bit 4
Status Byte bit 5 AND Service Request Enable Register bit 5
Status Byte bit 7 AND Service Request Enable Register bit 7.
Request Service (RQS)
RQS is TRUE if the Service Request Enable Register has a bit set and there is a
corresponding bit within the Status Byte.
The SRQ line of the GPIB will be set. The SRQ annuciator will be lit.
Operation Status Register Summary (OSR)
This bit is TRUE when a bit in the Operation Event Status Register is set and its
corresponding bit in the Operation Status Enable Register is set.
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 57 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM