SW60XG offers you to use two types of effect controllers, the one for Windows and the other for DOS;
EffectGearII and EFFECTCON respectively.
The EffectGearII lets you apply various types of effects to the signal input by a microphone, the line-level
input signal from CD-ROM audio playback. You can also change the pitch of a song, or reduce the volume
of the main vocal from a song playing on a CD (for karaoke sing-along).
Startup Procedure
Double click on the [EffectGearII] icon and the EffectGearII application will start.
Names and Functions
1 VOICE CANCEL button: Click this button to reduce the volume level of the vocal from a
song from CD audio playback for karaoke sing-along accompaniment.
The voice cancel function may not be effective depending on the type of effect applied.
2 MINIMIZE button: Click this button to resize the EffectGearII window to icon size.
3 POWER OFF button: Click this button to exit EffectGearII.
4 EFFECT MENU buttons: Click one of these buttons to select an effect.
Click the [Others] button to display the effect type list. You can assign the effect you frequently
use to the [Others] button.
5 EFFECT display box: The name of the currently selected effect type will appear in the
display box.
You can also display the effect type list by double clicking this box.
6 ONE-LINE HELP box: The name of the button/function at which the mouse pointer is
currently located will be displayed.
7 Always on Top: Click here to open the Always on Top dialog box. When enabled, the
EffectGearII window or icon is always shown on top of any other application.
8 PITCH SHIFT buttons: Click these buttons to increase or decrease the pitch of sound by
a semitone (100 cents), which will be displayed on the LED next to the buttons. Original
sound pitch is represented by center position = 0; each click will move the LED display
±100 cents at a time.
The buttons may disappear and you can not control the pitch depending on the type of
effect applied.
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