automatic recovery An upgrade method that copies the primary boot source to the NMS, then copies
the upgraded software back to the bridge/router as the test boot source. After a
successful test boot, the upgraded software is designated as the primary boot
source while the original software still present on the flash memory, is designated
the secondary boot source. If the upgrade fails, the bridge/router automatically
reboots from the original software. Automatic recovery requires enough flash
memory to hold two software sets.
backup Copying the software, including the images and configuration files, from the
bridge/router to the NMS using Upgrade Link or the bcmbackup utility.
backup location See default directory structure.
baseline A copy of the bridge/router configuration files stored in a directory on the network
management station. Baselining establishes a known good configuration set by
checking for consistency between similar configuration files on the network
management station and the NETBuilder bridge/router. Baselining assumes that
the versions of software and firmware running on the NETBuilder system have not
changed since the baseline was established.
BCM Boot Change Management. Individual command-line utilities and scripts that use
SNMP to perform EEPROM boot block and file manipulation operations on the
NETBuilder bridge/router and between the NETBuilder bridge/router and Network
Management Stations. This includes file transfer using TFTP.
bcm utilities See NETBuilder Upgrade Management Utilities.
bcmupdate An upgrade management utility that is used to upgrade configuration files on a
network management station.
boot image A software file that is loaded into DRAM and executed by a bridge/router. The
main boot image files are named boot.29k and boot.68k.
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol. Allows a bridge/router to obtain its IP address dynamically
from a network management station instead of from local EEPROM.
boot source A reference to a directory on the bridge/router where the boot and configuration
files are stored. You can set and view boot source information using the
bcmconfig utility or the Sysconf command.
CCS Compact Configuration Storage. An ASN.1-based file format used to store
bridge/router configuration information.
configuration files Files on the bridge/router that store parameter values and settings you have set in
the software.