
Utility Descriptions and Syntax 75
Where <boot source> is primary, secondary, test, or dump, the [options] are:
Syntax bcmctrl <device>[:<slot>] [-<option>[:<value>]]
Description The bcmctrl utility does the following tasks:
Reboots a bridge/router. This follows a normal boot sequence, where the load
image and configuration files are found in the primary boot source.
Performs a test reboot.
Copies all the parameters in the test boot source to the primary boot source.
Reports reboot and file transfer states.
Reboots a specified multiprocessor module.
-configp[ath]:<file_path> Path to the configuration files.
-fi[le]:<file_name>* Name of boot file.
-bo[otdevice]: (network | Boots from network.
localA | Boots from local media A.
localB) Boots from local media B.
-configd[evice]: (bootdevice | Depends on -bootdevice.
local | Local media configuration.
network) Network configuration.
-fo[rmat]:(canonical | noncanonical) Address format.
-cl[ock]:(internal | external) Internal/external clocking.
-conn[ector]:(v35 | rs232) Connector type.
-ba[udrate]: <9.6KB | 19.2KB | 38.4KB | 56KB | 64KB |
128KB | 256KB | 448KB | 1536KB | 2048KB |
4MB | 16MB>
-sl[ot]:1..8 Boot slot.
-in[terface]:(a | b) Interface number.
-pa[ssword]:<wan_password> A character string from 0–5 characters.
-di[scovery]:(<localaddr> | <bootp>) Address discovery.
-ga[teway]:<IPADDRESS> Default gateway IP address.
-lo[calip]:<IPADDRESS> Bridge/router IP address.
-se[rver]:<IPADDRESS> TFTP boot server IP address.
-cf[gserver]:<IPADDRESS> Server where configuration files are stored.
-ma[sk]:<IPADDRESS> Bridge/router subnet mask.
-notraps Disables the sending of SNMP traps useful
during upgrading.
-re[tries]:0..255 Number of retries from 0–255.
-traps Enables the sending of SNMP traps; useful
after upgrade completes.