
C1, C2, C4-C6, C8 to p/n 0180-3460
C10 to p/n 0180-0426
DS1 to p/n 1990-0325
K1 to p/n 0490-1457
K2 to p/n 0490-1341
R5 to p/n 0686-3015
R7 to p/n 0686-1005
R8 to p/n 0686-3335
R41 to p/n 0811-1869
CR1 to p/n 1901-0028
Under AC Input Filter, change p/n to 06011-60025 Subtract 100 from all of the reference
designators. C101 thus becomes C1. Also delete W101-W103, p/n 1251-5613.
Under Chassis Electrical change L4 to p/n 06011-80093. Also add C27 0.01
µF 10% 400W, p/n
0160-0381 and R24 200 5% 1/2W, p/n 0686-2015.
6011A In the parts list for the A1 Main Board Assembly make the following changes:
Change C23, C28 to 0.047
µF, p/n 0160-5895
Add C21,C24, 0.047
µF, p/n 0160-5895
Add R21, R22, 1 5% 1/4W, p/n 0699-0208
6012B In the parts list for the A1 Main Board Assembly make the following changes:
Change C20, C22 to 0.047
µF, p/n 0160-5895
Add C21,C23, 0.047
µF, p/n 0160-5895
Add R20, R23, 1 5% 1/4W, p/n 0699-0208
6015A In the parts list for the A2 Control Board Assembly change R40 to 95K 1% p/n 0699-1211 and
1.21M 1% p/n 0699-0088 assembled in parallel. Change R41 to 200K 0.1%, p/n 0699-6376.
6010A In the Diode board A5 parts list and schematic diagram delete L3.
6011A, 6012B In the parts list for the A1 Main Board Assembly change U1 to p/n 1906-0218.
6015A In the parts list for the A1 Main Board Assembly make the following changes:
C3, C7 1400µF, p/n 0180-3460
R6, 1.3K, p/n 0811-1803
U2, U4, Rectifier, p/n 1906-0006
C27, C34, 0.01µF 400V, p/n 0160-6805
CR6-CR13, power rectifier 400V, p/n 1901-0731
R24, 200 5% 1/2W, p/n 0686-2015
R43, R44, 2.61K 1% 1/8W, p/n 0698-0085
R45, 82.5K 1% 1/8W, p/n 0757-0463
R46, 681 1% 1/8W, p/n 0757-0419
R47, R48 150 5% 1W, p/n 0761-0035
R49, 100 1% 1/8W, p/n 1902-0955
Q2, FET N-channel, p/n 1855-0665
VR1, diode zener 7.5V 5%, p/n 1902-0955
U6, opto-isolator, p/n 1990-1074
A1 board to p/n 06030-60021