
In the option 002 replaceable parts list change cover plate from p/n 06023-00025 to p/n 06023-
00013. Add cover-plate p/n 06023-00010.
6015A In the parts list for the A1 Main Board Assembly change U1 to p/n 1906-0218. In the parts list
for the A5 Diode Board, change L1 to p/n 06011-80094.
6010A, 6011A,
In the parts list for the Mechanical Chassis change the following parts:
From: To:
Top cover 06032-00020 06032-00002
Bottom cover 06032-00019 06032-00003
Top trim 5041-8802 5040-7202
Side trim 5001-0539 5001-0439
Front frame 5021-8403 5021-5803
Feet 5041-8801 5040-7201
Strap handle 5062-3703 5060-8903
Handle ret. back 5041-8820 5041-6820
Handle ret. front 5041-8819 5041-6819
Lettered panel 06010-00009 06010-00008
6015A In the parts list for the A1 Main Board Assembly delete T3 and the following mechanical
attaching parts:
Screw, p/n 0515-0964
lock washer p/n 2190-0586
flat washer, p/n 3050-0893
clamp, p/n 06671-400002
bracket, p/n 06671-400003
6010A In the Diode board A5 parts list and schematic diagram delete CR6.
6011A In the Diode board A5 parts list and schematic diagram change R17 from 2.87K 1%, p/n 0698-
3151 to 4.87K 1%, p/n 0698-4444.
6012B In the Diode board A5 parts list and schematic diagram change R2 from 2.87K 1%, p/n 0698-
3151 to 4.87K 1%, p/n 0698-4444.
6010A In the Diode board A5 parts list and schematic diagram change R2 from 2.87K 1% p/n 0698-
3151 to 4.87K 1%, p/n 0698-4444.
6011A In the option 002 (Appendix A) parts list and schematic diagram delete R57 and solder pin p/n
6012B In the Diode board A5 parts list and schematic diagram change CR4 to p/n 1901-0887. Delete
heatsink (ref. Q2) p/n 06032-0018, heatsink bracket 06032-00017 and replace with inner heatsink
(ref. Q2) p/n 06032-00006 and outer heatsink (ref. Q2) p/n 06032-00018.